Independent Valuation AnalysisBusiness Plans for Fund RaisingStrategic Assessment

Independent Valuation Analysis

Independent Valuation Analysis to support Funding and Acquisitions

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Business Plans for Fund Raising

Business Plans designed for Fund Raising and Strategic Assessment

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Strategic Assessment

Strategic Assessment of your New Venture

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Focus on Investor Mindset


Investors view each opportunity and business plan through their unique view of the investment landscape. Although their viewpoint is unique, there are some common threads to different groups of investment funding sources. It is best to focus on those funding sources that have Investment Parameters which match the characteristics of your new venture.

There are several key parameters to convey to potential investors, partners or stakeholders – this facilitates their initial assessment and subsequent reviews of your proposal. Learn more about generating Investor Interest.

Making it easy for potential stakeholders to come to conclusions quickly about working with you or pursuing a relationship enables you to focus your time on building the relationships that will benefit your new venture.

Helping the potential stakeholder move their process along has several advantages.

1. Your company stands out for the clarity and focus.

2. The Uniqueness or Disruptive nature of your product or service will stand out.

2. You convey a critical leadership skill – facilitating others to perform.

3. It is best to know soon if it will not work (and why) with any potential partner, stakeholder, or investor.

4. Investors and potential stakeholders are busy and review many proposals. The organization of the materials is so critical because they will circle back to reference your materials when you are not there – The level of clarity can determine whether you are approved for funding. See Remind Potential Stakeholders.