So what about it is Unique or Disruptive?
Know the uniqueness of your product(s) and service(s). Can you explain it in a pithy manner?
Does it offer incremental change, does it solve a problem, or is it so different that it is disruptive?
Is it so disruptive that adoption of it requires educating the market? How difficult might that be?
How best do you convey the uniqueness of the product/service? Verbally, with pictures or diagrams, or is a demonstration necessary?
Where do you do this? At what level is it done in different materials? And for different audiences (customers, investors, partners)?
How much should be revealed while maintaining your intellectual property or keeping business practices from being copied?
Communicating the uniqueness of your product/service is so critical that it needs to be done in several ways to address different investor mindsets. A high level, a deep dive, and several intermediate levels need to be clearly communicated verbally and in both written documents and presentations. Different levels of communicating your uniqeness are critical and appropriate for the variety of materials created to convey your story.
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