Business Plans for Raising Funds
Comprehensive and customized. Created from the perspective of decades of analyzing companies, designed to enhance the fund raising process. Focus on the full range of critical components for success, assessment of opportunities and investment requirements. Strategic Assessment of business is a natural output of creating a thorough business plan.
Executive Summaries
Several different Executive Summaries of different length for different audiences. Required to generate the appropriate interest from potential investors and partners.
Private Placement Memorandum (PPM)
The Private Placement Memorandum is the official document for investors. A requirement for raising funds, but not sufficient by itself.
Independent Valuation Analysis
Considered the most important document in investors mindset. Comprehensiveness includes details on the organization, uniqueness of product/services, industry analysis and clearly defined assumptions in forecast and valuation – facilitates investors internal analysis and justifies offering value.
Presentation Materials
Power point presentations for communicating your story. Several versions may be used to address different audiences.
Financial Models
Modelling is a key component to creating business plans, strategic assessments, valuation analyses, PPMs, and presentation materials. Flexibility and thoroughness are critical to accurately represent the business model and incorporate future changes that are inevitable.
Communication Materials
Communicate company progress and status without over-promising.