Many times business relationships are measured in results – here is a functional review of successful engagements with new ventures. Additional information is on the History of Success page, which is organized by industry – best to review both pages..
Approval for $30 million of equity funding in Biofuels venture
Over $70 million equity raise in private Biotech company
Approval of up to $30 million in equity funding for initial phase of telecom network company
Approval of $10 million equity funding in Ag-tech
Currently working with Biotech companies seeking total equity funding of $10 million to over $100 million
Additional information on other equity funding in History of Success
Approval for telecom projects forecast to generate $200 to $500 million in annual recurring revenues in four to five years
Assess business development strengths and go-to-market strategies
Alter a company’s strategic focus which broadens addressable market while simultaneously enhancing investor interest without any change in development plans
Define and justify different market and product development scenarios. Assess benefits and challenges of different scenarios in comparative strategic analysis.
Identify critical events and milestones in both product development and business development
Identify metrics to monitor for competitive analysis and operational efficiencies, and benchmarks for performance
Engage in partnership discussions during product development
Additional information on other strategic assessments is in History of Success
Assess valuation for buyer to assist in negotiations. Identify areas for investigation. Assess valuation for investors focused on supporting an acquisition.
Strategic alignment with corporate goals and strengths
Define operational requirements and critical components for success
Engage in discussions with potential acquisition entity.